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Olivia Tillotson

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

So, you’re losing it. Been there, done that. Here are a few tips I’ve used to keep myself organized while writing.

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” -Anonymous

Give Yourself Some Space

Get yourself a writer’s room, a desk in a quiet corner, or just a set space where you can stretch out and get focused. Having a set place where you write is so important. When you feel like your brain is cluttered or you can’t think, physically de-clutter your writing space and I promise, you’ll feel better.

Get an Organizer

If you are like me, and have about a hundred different concepts forming all at once, get a physical organizer to keep them separate. A folder with tabbed dividers, a desk organizer, or even just a notebook with different compartments. Keeping it separate and building on them individually will help.

Writing Apps

Find some writing apps you like, something that will help you focus and keep you accountable for the time you are spending. I like to get a few different notes apps, dedicating a different one to each book.

Sticky Notes and Tab Dividers

These are my holy grail. I like to handwrite things out, so spending time trying to make it look nice and organized takes a while. If I can then just go back and add a sticky note here and there with another thought that can be removed if I lose interest in that idea is really helpful for me. I also use them as little reminders, write out quotes I really like, or even just notes of encouragement to look at as I write.


I love having a huge whiteboard where I can just get everything out and visualize what I am doing. I feel the most disorganized when I have everything locked inside my head or random little notes scattered all over the place. Having one home base for whatever I’m working on is huge for me.


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