Writer's retreats, what they are and why you should look into them.
Writer's retreats are an incredible tool for writers of all levels of skill and experience. In essence, a writers retreat is a period of time set aside for a group of writers to step outside their normal day-to-day lives and spend time together discussing craft, technique, and ideas. This is a time for inspiration, collaboration, and peace to really hone in on their work. It serves as an excellent opportunity to gather with people who have the same passion, goals, and much more experience than you as an amateur writer.
A writer's retreat helps in several different ways, including:
Helping you reconnect with and explore your creative energy outside of the demands of daily life.
Limits distractions and therefore increases your productivity.
Builds a community and offers networking opportunities.
Allows you to get one-on-one time to talk with people who have had major success navigating the field who will help you find better habits and practices that have worked for them.
It helps you solidify your identity as a writer and teaches you to prioritize your craft.
Increases motivation and skillset.
So, where can you participate in writer's retreats?
Willow Writer's Retreat
The Genuine Writer's Retreat
Writers who Run, Retreat, and Race
Write-by-the-Light Writer's Retreat and Workshop
BOAAT Writer's Retreat
*These are just a few options for week-long writer's retreats. More information can be found online at https://thewritelife.com/writing-retreats/ on the retreats mentioned above.
There are countless options for writer's retreats, some that just include spending time apart from everyone somewhere beautiful where you can focus on your craft, some with large groups of writers and professional workshops, some that include a focus on spirituality, and even some that are held online for those who prefer not to travel at all.
While a writer's retreat is definitely an incredibly helpful opportunity, they aren't always conveniently timed or priced. Let's talk about how you can make your own in your very own town. First of all, join a Facebook group or reach out to other writers within your community or those nearby. You can spend a few evenings, or even a few days at someone's house, or all pitch in to get an Air bnb nearby as the site of your retreat. Set aside some time for each of you to give a little bit of insight on your writing career, tips, and tricks, or a little workshop on something you've found really helpful. Schedule out time to meet and talk through things or work together. You can even find a nearby professional workshop or class for writers for you to attend together.
At the end of the day, participating in a writer's workshop doesn't have to be expensive or even incredibly time-consuming. We all lead busy lives outside of writing, but allowing yourself to gather with people who are passionate about the same things you are and growing together in that passion can be really helpful for writers of all genres and styles.